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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


BUSINESSTips For Increasing Your Adsense Income Without Increasing Traffic,I got good news for you about adsense.You can increase your adsense income with 3 method.This method can increase your adsense without concerning about your traffic.IncreaseYourCTRPlacement of your site has a massive effect on your click through rate (or CTR). If your CTR is anything under 10% you can probably improve on it. Prominent positioning in popular positions doesn’t necessarily distract from your content.If you’re serious about making money from your site and have more than 10000 page views a month, it’s probably worth investing in Joel Comm’s Adsense book which will advise you on the best placements, colours and settings for your ads.Improve Your eCPMEven with static traffic, it’s possible to increase your income.Setting up URL channels on Google Adsense can help you to monitor the CTR and eCPM for individual pages. This can highlight some obvious inequalities between similar pages - and you can look closely at the keywords - particularly those surrounding your Adsense html to find out why.You can use the Adwords Keywords tool to find out which keywords are paying highly and add one of these words, where appropriate, to the top of your pages. Also, make sure that your pages are themed, so you included theme words. For example, theme words for “baby” might include babies, pregnancy, child, infants & children. Introducing sprinklings of these kinds of words throughout the content of the page can help improve it’s rankings and ensure relevant ads.Again, for the serious business person, consider investing in an Adsense Tracker software to get detailed reports on clicks and keywords at your website.Add Fresh ContentThere’s no doubt about it, adding regular fresh content to your site keeps the search engines happy. The easiest way to do this is a blog - if you’re not comfortable with writing your own articles or content - you’ll probably be happy with a blog.This is what we need to do if we got a few traffic. Actually that the fact. Happy blogging.Popularity: 5% [?]
BUSINESS TRAFFIC,5 Tips For Increased Website TrafficThere are lots of ways to get traffic to your website, however most people are interested in getting the most traffic for the least amount of money, preferably for free.While it’s difficult to get anything for free nowadaysthere are still a few good ways to help build your webtraffic and still pay nothing.
1. Build a second content-rich website.Because content is king on the internet many have adopted the idea of building a content-rich site inaddition to their original sales site.If you set up your title, description and keywordtags carefully and find a good balance for your keyword saturation, you may be better able to achieve high search engine rankings with a site that contains only good content and information.Once you have built your content-rich site you can then usethe content to point your viewers to your sales site.

2. Add an article page to your existing site.By adding article pages to your web site you can once again point your readers to your sales page.For example, let’s say you have a website that sells vitamins. Set up a few article pages that reference vitamins such as a page on the benefits of vitamins, how to take vitamins, the effects of vitamins, etc. Allow each of the articles to reference links to your sales page.This can be a very effective sales tactic because you’veattracted the attention of someone interested in your topic. If they read your article and like what they’ve read they’re more apt to check out your links and you’veincreased your chances of making a sale.Also, with proper meta tags and keyword usage, an article page is much more likely to make it to the top of a search engine listing than a sales page.

3. Submit your articlesAny articles that you write should be submitted to asmany sites that accept articles as possible. This isimportant because sites that accept and include your articles in their article banks establish links for you and you are not obligated to reciprocate.
4. Build your links through reciprocal linkingBy establishing reciprocal links you are verifying to the search engines that you have credibility. If high ranking sites link to your site then the search engineswill find you worthy of high ranking as well.Find sites that rank well and request a link exchange.This can be done manually or you can purchase linkingprograms that will automate this for you. Either wayspend a few weeks focusing on creating quality linksand you will soon see your link ratings go up as well.

5. Join and participate in online forums.The internet is full of discussion forums that cover hundreds of business and non-business topics.Find a forum in your topic and look over the discussions. Ask questions, contribute your expertise and get to know some of the forum members. This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet others and introduct yourwebsite. It also helps build trust while helping you learn how others have found success.As example, Forum Raja Adsense and many more..Popularity: 23%
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